In 2010 we came together as a church to explore our vision. We worked on the understanding that a church vision doesn’t come from one person, but rather from a collection of all our dreams and ideas, which come together to form a collective vision. In 2018 we saw this evolve from four statements to five and an evolution of our Justice vision statement.
We recognize in our vision, that everything we do, we are called to do in partnership with the wider church and the community, and that we are committed to doing it through the inspiration and empowering of the Holy Spirit. It is Him that makes us more than the sum of our parts. It is Him that brings the depth, power and effectiveness of our efforts.
Our vision statement is in five parts. Each of them is broad and aspirational, and rather than being a target that we aim for, they are a direction we travel in, a culture we develop and nurture, an outworking of our dimensions or our DNA.
By God’s Spirit and working in partnership, we are committed to: