A community that equips and empowers young adults to shape their lives around Jesus and see transformation in themselves, their relationships, and their communities.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. – Zechariah 4:6

Why are we here?

We are here because you are here. Whoever you are, we think that your story matters, that Jesus loves you, and that He wants to bring transformation in your life.

We think that every person is worthy of close community and friendship. Everyone should have somewhere to laugh, cry, share stories, ask questions, and be encouraged.

We also believe that Jesus is working in our generation and using ordinary people to transform the world. We want to be ready for Him to use us.

Who are we?

We are a collection of young adults who are based in and around Yeovil. We are in a variety of life stages and professional settings. There are those who have spent their whole lives locally and those who have just moved to the area. We have everyone from the board game aficionados to the extreme sports junkies, the raging extroverts to the reflective introverts, the up-and-coming influencers to the ‘wait, what’s a Tik Tok?’. Our strength is found in our diversity – everyone is welcome.

On this point, some of us haven’t yet chosen to follow Jesus and some of us are seeking to be more like Him every single day, but all of us have a bunch of questions. We want to explore together as we figure out more of who Jesus is and what He has for us. Come join for the ride!

What do we do?

As a community, we run a mix of social events with the whole community, boys and girls nights, teaching nights with opportunities for discussion, and small group-style missional communities. On top of this, we’re a community of young adults within a wider church community so hang outs and wider church events are always happening.

How do I get involved?

The best place to see what’s going on and get a feel for this community is our Instagram @yccyoungadults

If you want to meet someone for coffee, or have a further conversation, come down to the Gateway or use the details below to get in touch:

Email: sim.ashford@thisisccreate.com

Phone: 01935433146