Formations – Worship and Gratitude – Standing in the rubble
Date: 30/08/2020
Bible Text: | Joe Hardy
Series: Formations Standing in the rubble
Joe and Adam have a conversation as a part of our Summer focus on formations and spiritual disciplines. Joe sharesFormations – Jamie Pritchard – Standing in the rubble
Date: 30/08/2020
Bible Text: | Jamie Pritchard
Series: Standing in the rubble
Joe has a conversation with Jamie Pritchard – worship leader and songwriter from the lantern in poole all about theGiving through the lens of discipleship
Date: 05/05/2019
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:5 | Malcolm Nichols
Series: Giving
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:5 | Speaker: Malcolm Nichols | Series: Giving | Malcolm continued our mini series looking at