Ordinary, Extraordinary People

Date: 15/04/2018

Bible Text: Acts 4:1-31 |


Bible Text: Acts 4:1-31 | Speaker: Sarah Horder | Series: Acts | This week, Sarah shared with us about ordinary, extraordinary people. She spoke about how each one of us can do extraordinary things when we spend time
2019-02-01T15:21:20+00:00April 15th, 2018|

The Holy Spirit Falls

Date: 04/03/2018

Bible Text: Acts 2:1-41 |


Bible Text: Acts 2:1-41 | Speaker: Malcolm Nichols | Series: Acts | Malcolm continues our new series on Acts, taking us through Chapter 2, Verses 1-41. “When the crowd heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered
2019-02-01T15:35:32+00:00March 3rd, 2018|

Quit Waiting

Date: 11/02/2018

Bible Text: Acts 1:1-12 |


Bible Text: Acts 1:1-12 | Speaker: Adam Dyer | Series: Acts | Adam kicks off our brand new series on the book of Acts. Calling out a new season as a church of pushing into
2019-02-01T15:51:47+00:00February 11th, 2018|
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