Boats And Pressure
Date: 13/02/2022
Bible Text: | Malcolm Nichols
Series: BE
Following Sarah’s talk last week looking at how Jesus calms the storm, Malcolm unpicks what it means for us inDate: 13/02/2022
Bible Text: | Malcolm Nichols
Series: BE
Following Sarah’s talk last week looking at how Jesus calms the storm, Malcolm unpicks what it means for us inDate: 21/03/2021
Bible Text: | Malcolm Nichols
Series: 365
Malcolm continues our 365 series looking at the value of story. What does the bible say about us being partDate: 24/01/2021
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13 | Malcolm Nichols
Series: Faith Hope and Love revisited
Malcolm continues our faith, hope and love revisited series looking at 1 Corinthians 13 and how we can be shapedDate: 13/12/2020
Bible Text: | Malcolm Nichols
Series: Advent
Malcolm continues our series on Advent unpacking the genealogy of Jesus and what the lessons of hope we can learn