Jesus at the centre of it all – Sarah Horder
Date: 01/12/2024
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:21-23 | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit
Is Jesus truly at the center of your life? In this week’s sermon, we explore what it means for JesusDate: 01/12/2024
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:21-23 | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit
Is Jesus truly at the center of your life? In this week’s sermon, we explore what it means for JesusDate: 20/10/2024
Bible Text: | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit
Sarah continues our teaching series in Ephesians looking at how we grow roots deep with Jesus. We need to beDate: 15/09/2024
Bible Text: | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit
Join us on a transformative journey through Ephesians as we delve into becoming true disciples of Jesus. This series invitesDate: 01/09/2024
Bible Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit