In the Face of Renewal
Date: 09/09/2024
Bible Text: | Adam Dyer, Rich Johnson
Series: YCC Podcast
Rich Johnson and Adam Dyer talk about the meaning of renewal and how we might tend to approach such seasons.Date: 09/09/2024
Bible Text: | Adam Dyer, Rich Johnson
Series: YCC Podcast
Rich Johnson and Adam Dyer talk about the meaning of renewal and how we might tend to approach such seasons.Date: 08/09/2024
Bible Text: 2 kings 2:1-14 | Adam Dyer
Series: 10-10 Vision
Adam starts our new 10 – 10 vision series looking at the call and invitation to choose life, join inDate: 01/09/2024
Bible Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 | Sarah Horder
Series: Growing Roots and Bearing Fruit
Date: 14/07/2024
Bible Text: John 8:31-47 | Keith Glover
Series: Captivated
Keith continues our Captivated series in the book of John looking at John 8:31-47. Jesus was speaking to people who