Blog Demo2019-11-22T10:41:13+00:00

Blog Demo


  • Clouds get in my way

    “Mummy, where is heaven?” It’s the sort of question that no parent really wants to be asked just as they are getting their nearly-8-year-old settled for bed.  So the parent deploys the tried and trusted response: “We’ll ask Papa to explain it tomorrow.” But in truth it’s a perfectly good


What’s the trouble?

By |February 19th, 2023|

‘Troubled’ is a word that’s been occupying my mind, and sometimes my emotions, over recent weeks.  I reassure myself

Going to Galilee

By |June 8th, 2022|

What’s with resurrection and Galilee? The executed Jesus has been raised from death, and his first instruction is to

Atonement: a narrative

By |May 10th, 2022|

The boy and his father walked happily together, hand in hand, the father gently guiding his son, pointing out

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