Blog Demo
Being Jesus Centred
We have begun to explore what it means to be ‘Jesus-centred’. We grasp the fundamental principle that ‘God always
Choosing what not to pray
“Simon, Simon, pay attention! Satan has demanded to have you all, to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for
What’s the trouble?
‘Troubled’ is a word that’s been occupying my mind, and sometimes my emotions, over recent weeks. I reassure myself
An Upper Room
It seems a curious symmetry. Almost. Did Jesus have both his first and his last meal in an ‘upper
Now and Then
Now and Then “Don’t put off until tomorrow what is meant for today.” Martha’s grieving response to Jesus’ reassurance,
Going to Galilee
What’s with resurrection and Galilee? The executed Jesus has been raised from death, and his first instruction is to ‘go to Galilee’. The angels’ instruction was clear & Jesus himself was insistent; his friends
Atonement: a narrative
The boy and his father walked happily together, hand in hand, the father gently guiding his son, pointing out all the fascinating items along their route. All the good things to see, to touch,
Judgement; who, how and the least of these (Mt 25:31-46)
Most of us don’t like to speak of judgement. So the words of Jesus here make uncomfortable reading for many of us. Separating ‘sheep’ from ‘goats’, and pronouncing the destiny of each, seems very…
Striving to Face Forwards
Almost daily my phone prompts me to review my photos from ‘this day x years ago’. For me, the opportunity to recall moments from the past feels intensely bittersweet, and will often provoke a
Just In Time – Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog I argued that to view God as ‘outside of time’, in the way we usually imagine, effectively reduces God to the role of passive spectator, merely observing events
Just In Time – Part 1
It’s time we talked about time; about how we understand the past, the present and the future. And fundamentally, how we believe that God perceives these. Because most Christians have been taught, or have