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Sitting down and eating the crumbs
I was struck recently by the accounts of Jesus feeding the 5000. He insists that the crowd be made
No time like the Present
It’s hardly original, but it’s worth repeating: too often many of us expend way too much mental and emotional
Between a Rock and a Good Place
Listen carefully. It matters. I have always felt it was hard on Moses that he never got to enter
Holy Place
Have you ever stopped to pay attention to how you are feeling when you walk into church on a
A Bit Of Mystery
Many of us love a good ‘mystery’, whether in the form of a book or a film. We try
Asking the (right) Questions
Reflecting on our recent teaching from Jn 8 (where Jesus & the Pharisees seemed to be talking at cross-purposes), I am reminded of how often I persist in trying to have one conversation with
Sitting down and eating the crumbs
I was struck recently by the accounts of Jesus feeding the 5000. He insists that the crowd be made to sit down, and, having multiplied five loaves and a couple of fish, he instructs
No time like the Present
It’s hardly original, but it’s worth repeating: too often many of us expend way too much mental and emotional energy living either in the past or in the future. I can choose to repeatedly
Between a Rock and a Good Place
Listen carefully. It matters. I have always felt it was hard on Moses that he never got to enter the land of promise. We read that God denied him this because of one incident
Holy Place
Have you ever stopped to pay attention to how you are feeling when you walk into church on a Sunday morning? Perhaps excited to see everyone after a busy week. I hope you feel
A Bit Of Mystery
Many of us love a good ‘mystery’, whether in the form of a book or a film. We try to piece together subtle hints and obscure clues in order to decipher the underlying shape
Thermometer or thermostat?
A few months ago I was leading worship at a conference and as I finished the speaker got up and spoke a prophetic word that has stuck with me ever since. The main reason it
Multitasking: learning to live in two worlds
I can remember the days when Personal Computers were still a novelty and there was intense rivalry amongst businesses to establish their own operating system as the industry standard. One of the areas that
Judgement; who, how and the least of these (Mt 25:31-46)
Most of us don’t like to speak of judgement. So the words of Jesus here make uncomfortable reading for many of us. Separating ‘sheep’ from ‘goats’, and pronouncing the destiny of each, seems very…
Central Command
We’ve begun to talk recently about how we make (and keep) Jesus truly central in our lives. We’ve started to explore the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which we tend to cling to control,
Who say’s I am worth it?
A flick of the perfectly styled hair, a knowing glance into the camera lens, and the model utters once again the iconic mantra: “Because I’m worth it”. And in our culture, it seems we