Welcome to our blog, here is a place where a number of different contributors share some thoughts, ideas and questions. We have a few categories around church, leadership, creativity and ministries. Take a look, feel free to share and get in touch – we would love to hear from you.


What’s the trouble?

February 19th, 2023|

‘Troubled’ is a word that’s been occupying my mind, and sometimes my emotions, over recent weeks.  I reassure myself that Jesus knew what it was to be troubled, although not necessarily for the same

An Upper Room

December 9th, 2022|

It seems a curious symmetry.  Almost. Did Jesus have both his first and his last meal in an ‘upper room’? It seems that in Luke’s account of the nativity the word that has sometimes

Now and Then

November 9th, 2022|

Now and Then “Don’t put off until tomorrow what is meant for today.” Martha’s grieving response to Jesus’ reassurance, that her brother would rise again, was to affirm her conviction that he would indeed

The Church I Grew Up In

November 2nd, 2022|

Tasha Cobbs Leonard recently released a song called ‘the church I grew up in’ and it has completely captivated me. There’s a couple of lines that say: We didn't have much But Jesus loved

Getting out of Jail – free?

July 12th, 2022|

Jesus declared that he had been sent “…to proclaim freedom for the prisoners...”. There are three accounts in the book of Acts of his disciples being freed from jail, and each is slightly different.

Welcome to our blog, here is a place where a number of different contributors share some thoughts, ideas and questions. We have a few categories around church, leadership, creativity and ministries. Take a look, feel free to share and get in touch – we would love to hear from you.


Signs & Consequences

June 28th, 2023|

“My time has not yet come.” The response of Jesus to his mother’s request to get involved in the ‘wine dilemma’ at the wedding (Jn 2) has always seemed odd to me.  Did he

No Body? Rethinking the ascension

April 27th, 2023|

“You didn’t want sacrifices and offerings; instead, you’ve given me a body.” Heb 10:5 The writer of Hebrews takes this quotation (apparently from the Old Testament, though no one seems quite sure), and applies

What’s the trouble?

February 19th, 2023|

‘Troubled’ is a word that’s been occupying my mind, and sometimes my emotions, over recent weeks.  I reassure myself that Jesus knew what it was to be troubled, although not necessarily for the same