The Crowd, The Critic and The Muse
Date: 21/04/2024
Bible Text: John6:14-24 | Joe Hardy
Series: Captivated
Joe continues our Captivated series in the book of John picking up the story of Jesus walking on water. JesusDate: 21/04/2024
Bible Text: John6:14-24 | Joe Hardy
Series: Captivated
Joe continues our Captivated series in the book of John picking up the story of Jesus walking on water. JesusDate: 19/03/2023
Bible Text: | Adam Dyer
Series: Captivated
Adam continues our Captivated series the gospel of John gives us the radical invitation to repent, change yourDate: 22/04/2018
Bible Text: Acts 5:1-11 | Adam Dyer
Series: Acts
This week, Adam continues our series looking at Acts with his sermon entitled 'Quit Holding Back'. Looking at the story of Ananias and Sapphira, Adam explores what the story says about sin, heart, identity and giving. He invites us to quit holding back and live in the grace and authority we have been given to see God's Kingdom come.