I am married to Rachel and we have four great children. We moved to Yeovil in 2003 where I now fulfill the role of leading the leadership team. I am passionate about community transformation and the church working in partnership to see our nation transformed, and so I am also an ambassador for Cinnamon Network, running a series of civic engagement events around the country. I am chair of governors for Westfield Academy and spend any spare time watching football, movies or modern family with my modern family.


Adam continues with church online this week looking at what are the lessons we could learn from the Exodus.
We continue to do church online in the midst of social distancing. This time from different people's houses. Here is Adam's talk on Gideon and the lessons we can learn…
Adam shares the story of the blind man Jesus heals with mud on his eyes in our first ever online church service. Unpacking the question of where are we blind?…
Adam continues our series on faith sharing some principles of faith and ways that we can live more like Jesus in the midst of the uncertainty around us. What are…
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